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Home » 7 Golden Rules of Link Building for 2022

7 Golden Rules of Link Building for 2022

Now that we’re past the 2020 and into the 2021 days, it’s time to start thinking about what will come next. The digital landscape has changed drastically over the past few years, with major changes occurring in areas like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), content marketing and more. One thing that has not changed—links are still important! But how you approach link building is changing as well. In this post, we’ll look at some of those changes so you can make smart decisions on how best to use your resources going forward:

  • Link building is still relevant.
  • Link building is still a good way to improve your rankings.
  • Link building is still a good way to improve your traffic.
  • Link building is still a good way to improve your brand visibility

Focus on the quality of links instead of the quantity

If you’re looking for links, don’t just focus on quantity. Quality is still king when it comes to link building. The only way you can get links is by building them yourself or by finding out who has built them before and asking them for help with your project.
SEOmoz’s CEO Rand Fishkin says that: “Most businesses have enough things going on already without worrying about how many links they get from others”.
He also suggests that companies should focus on quality over quantity when it comes to getting their own backlinks: “The best way for businesses to get more links is by focusing not just on the number but also improving their search engine rankings (SERPs), which will then attract more traffic from both organic searches as well as paid ad campaigns.”

Guest Posting is losing effectiveness

Guest posts are still a good way to get links, but they have lost effectiveness.
They used to be the only way for smaller websites to get in front of search engines and rank higher on Google. But as we’ve seen with other forms of content marketing like infographics and videos, these types of posts can help you build your reputation as well as drive traffic back to your site through shares or comments from readers who come across them elsewhere online.

Authority sites are better than niche sites

Link building is not dead, but you should focus on quality over quantity.
Link building is still relevant and can be a powerful tool to help your site gain authority and build an audience. However, the best way to build links is by creating high-quality content and earning links from authoritative websites that people trust. The more links you have from different places, the better your chances of ranking in search results pages (SERPs).

Focus on SEO content to acquire more links

The best way to attract links is by creating quality content that people are going to want to link to. This can be anything from a blog post or an article, but it should always be written in a way that makes sense and is easy for the reader of your content to understand.
In order for your website’s search engine rankings (and therefore, its ability to rank well in Google searches) to increase over time, you need more relevant backlinks than ever before—and that means acquiring more links organically through high-quality SEO efforts rather than buying them via paid ads or link exchanges.

On-page SEO optimization is crucial for link building

On-page SEO:

  • Keyword research. This is the first step in on-page optimization, and it’s also the most important. It’s important to find out what your target audience wants and needs before you can even begin thinking about creating content that will help them achieve their goals.
  • Title tags: You should use title tags to tell Google which words you want search engines to rank higher when people are searching for those keywords in their query engine (i.e., Google). For example, if someone is searching for “best SEO services near me” then they might see a listing with “SEO Services Seattle WA – Best SEO Company In Town!” as its title tag; this way users can easily understand what kind of service they’re looking for without having any confusion about whether or not it’s legit because everything would be spelled correctly throughout each page on both sides of the website.”

Links from local sites and blogs can help your local SEO efforts

Local sites and blogs are more likely to link to your content. They’re also more likely to link back to your site, which means that they’ll help you rank higher in search results for local queries like “best dentist in my area” or “local pizza delivery service.”
And if you have a business website that’s optimized for local searches, then it can be hard not to think of the benefits of having these types of links: increased traffic from prospective customers who might be looking for a specific type of service; better rankings on Google Maps (which shows users where businesses are located); and even visitor loyalty programs that reward loyal customers with discounts when they come back again!

We hope that you’ve found these tips useful and are now more confident in your link-building efforts. Remember, linking is a long-term investment and you won’t get rich overnight. But if you keep the principles above at heart, then you should be able to build up a healthy portfolio of links over time that will help drive traffic to your site’s pages and improve rankings in Google search results—and all of this without spending too much money on paid advertising!
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