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How to set a custom URL for a youtube channel

If you want to set a custom URL for your YouTube channel, then this article is for you. It will show you how to set up and edit the new URL for your channel.

The old URL of your channel is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. This can be hard to remember and type into the browser.

The old URL of your channel is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. This can be hard to remember and type into the browser.
The URL is an essential part of a website because it identifies where you go when you visit that webpage or app. You can also use it to keep track of where your content is located on the internet—for example, if someone else posts something similar to yours on their own site (this happens often!). It’s also useful when searching for information online because Google will show results based on what they think are relevant pages/sites out there!
The best thing about setting custom URLs for YouTube videos? You’ll never have any issues remembering what they look like again!

The new URL will still be associated with your channel and all of your content. Only the way it looks in the browser address bar will change.

The new URL will still be associated with your channel and all of your content. Only the way it looks in the browser address bar will change.
To make this happen, go to Account Settings > Channel Settings under Custom URL. On this page, select “Change” from the drop-down menu next to Your New Custom YouTube Channel Name (or whatever name you’d like). From here you can type in a new custom name for your channel and hit Save Changes when done.

Once you set a custom URL, you can’t change it.

Once you set a custom URL, you can’t change it. You can only use the same custom URL for one channel and then that becomes your permanent link.
You can’t create two separate channels with different URLs because YouTube will not allow this.
If you do try to use a custom URL with another channel, Google may penalize them both if they find out about it (and they will).

If you have more than 100 subscribers then you are eligible for a custom URL

If you have more than 100 subscribers, you will be eligible for a custom URL. To check your subscriber count on YouTube Analytics, log into your account and navigate to the “Subscribers” page.

  • Go to YouTube Analytics
  • Click “View” next to your channel name in the left sidebar (if it’s not there yet)
  • Under “Overview,” click “Subscribers.” You’ll see how many people are watching you right now!

You have 30 days to edit your custom URL and make it look perfect. After 30 days, you won’t be able to edit it again.

You can edit your custom URL at any time. If you want to change the name of your channel or add a logo, then this is the perfect place for you.
You don’t have to wait until 30 days have passed before making changes! You can make edits as often as you like—you just need to do it within those 30 days. And if there are any problems with your custom URL after it has been set up (like when someone tries to access a page that isn’t yours), then just contact us here and we’ll help get things fixed up for you in no time flat!

The Custom link is better than the old one

Custom URL is better than the old one
You can easily remember the custom URL and it’s easy to type. You can share it on social media, websites or email links without any problem.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to create your own custom URL for YouTube videos.
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