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Home » How to Set Up Google Analytics: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Google Analytics: A Step-by-Step Guide

There are many ways to track your website performance. Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools that can help you understand the traffic patterns and sales of your site. In this post, we’ll show you how to set up Google Analytics so that you can get started tracking your traffic!

How to Find Your Google Analytics Tracking Code

To find your Google Analytics tracking code, you’ll need to head to the Google Analytics website. Once there, click on “Account Settings” and then “Tracking Code.”
From there, select “Enter a new code.” You will be redirected to another page where you can enter in any data that must be included in the tracking information sent by Google Analytics (such as an email address or phone number). When finished entering this information into fields on this page, click “Save Tracking Code” at the bottom of it.
You should now have an HTML snippet containing all of your data!

How to Add Your Tracking Code to the Site Head

The site head is the top section of your website, where you’ll find the URL and search bar.
To add tracking code to this page, click on “Edit HTML” in your toolbox menu at the top right corner of Google Analytics and then choose “Site Settings.” From there, copy-and-paste this code:

The script tag contains JavaScript that allows Google Analytics to track users as they move through different parts of your site. This script tag should be placed at the end of each page or posts that have been added to it with some kind of form (like contact form).

How to Confirm Google Analytics Setup Success

Once you’ve confirmed that your Google Analytics account is active and set up, take a look at the reports. If something looks off, double-check your settings to make sure everything is correct before moving on. For example:

  • Make sure that visitors from different countries are counted as separate visitors in the same way as they would be if they came from different countries (this can be done by changing their country code).
  • Ensure that Google Analytics tracks all pages on your site instead of just one page per visit or session (you’ll see this if there’s no “Visit Type” setting).

Once you have set up Google Analytics, you will be able to track your website performance.

Google Analytics is a free service that helps you track how people interact with your website. You can see which pages people visit, how long they stay on each page, and where they are coming from. You can also use this data to improve the overall user experience of your site by making it more engaging for users and tweaking the layout of certain pages to better match their interests (or those of potential customers).
If you’re new to Google Analytics or haven’t used it in a while, here’s what you need to do:

  • Sign up for an account at – this takes less than five minutes! Once done, go back into your browser settings and make sure that “Use Google Analytics” is enabled so that everything will work properly when it comes time for setup later on down below…
Once you have set up Google Analytics, you will be able to track your website performance. This can help you improve your site and make it more likely that visitors will stay on the site longer than other pages. The information collected through analytics provides valuable insights into how people interact with your content, which will help guide future decisions about what needs to change in order for visitors to stick around longer on each page of the website.
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