WordPress is the most popular platform for blogging. It has many awesome features like autosave, auto-updating, responsive design and so much more. It’s one of the best CMS to use for building a website. But it’s not an easy task to choose which plugin should you install on your blog. This is where I come in with some handy tips on choosing top 5 best WordPress Membership Plugins in 2022

MemberPress is one of the best WordPress membership plugins. This plugin allows you to create a website that offers premium content and services, but also gives you the ability to sell products or services.
MemberPress is easy to use, flexible and affordable. You can get started quickly by using the drag-and-drop builder that comes with your membership site in just minutes! The rest of your work will be done by you—you can customize design elements such as colors, fonts and backgrounds through CSS coding on your own or we can help if needed (more info here). We also provide training videos so that everyone from beginners who need some guidance through all aspects of setting up their own free eCommerce store like selling products online; selling digital downloads; charging customers monthly recurring payments for access over time etcetera…
MemberPress supports WooCommerce which means there are already thousands (if not millions!) people who use this popular eCommerce platform already set up their shops through our plugin within minutes after installing it onto their WordPress sites which means less time spent learning how things work before getting started building out those pages!
Restrict Content Pro

Restrict Content Pro is a premium WordPress membership plugin that gives you the tools to restrict content in your website. It’s easy to use and has a number of features that make it a good choice for membership websites.
Restrict Content Pro allows users to create their own custom profiles and publish them on their site or blog. You can also restrict access to specific pages on your site by setting up different levels of permissions for each profile (e.g., admin, editor, etc.).
This plugin has many other useful features:
Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member is a WordPress membership plugin that allows you to sell memberships to your site, manage your content, and keep your members engaged. This plugin allows you to create an all-inclusive membership site where you can sell products, services or anything else related to the business.
The best part about Ultimate Member? It’s super easy! You just need to install the plugin on your website and then create some member profiles with their personal information (name/email address) and their preferences like payment methods or shipping options etc., before they can start using any of these features. Once they’re satisfied with all these details they will be able to purchase their own membership package which will last for 1 year after which time they need another renewal of that same package at regular intervals until its expiry date comes up again.*
Paid Memberships Pro

Paid Memberships Pro is a WordPress membership plugin that allows you to create membership websites, including membership sites with multiple levels and memberships that renew automatically.
Paid Memberships Pro has been around for about eight years and it’s still one of the best membership plugins on the market today. Why? Because it gives you everything you need to build an online community through your website!
The first reason why I love Paid Memberships Pro is because it’s so easy to use; all you have to do is install the plugin, customize its settings according to your needs, then start adding users by adding them manually or automatically via Google Analytics tracking code (which we’ll get into later). Once done, just click save once all changes have been made; this will update any existing content in WordPress so they reflect what was added by using Paid Membership Pro’s editor toolset which includes several modules: Blog Posts; Pages etc…

LearnDash is a powerful WordPress membership plugin that allows you to create courses and sell them to your users. It’s an easy-to-use, drag and drop interface for creating courses, as well as a course builder with built in features like quizzes and assessments. LearnDash includes a payment gateway so that you can accept payments through PayPal or Stripe (or even WooCommerce).
LearnDash also has an active community of users who share their tips on how they use this plugin.
The best WordPress membership plugins in 2022 are MemberPress, Restrict Content Pro, Ultimate Member, Paid Memberships Pro and LearnDash.
MemberPress is a great plugin for adding a membership area to your site. It’s easy to use and extremely customizable, allowing you to create different levels of access for members, from unlimited access all the way down to just being able to view some content.
Restrict Content Pro is another great plugin that adds a membership area to your site. With Restrict Content Pro you can choose which categories of content are visible only if they are purchased by the user who visits them (aka “accessories”). This means that people who don’t have enough money on their account won’t be able see certain parts of your website!
The above list of the best membership plugins has been based on our own experience and assessment of the situation, and it should give you a good overview of the current landscape. We've identified five plugins that we think are worth checking out if you need help with a membership website. Each one is different from the others, so don't hesitate to check them all out! We hope you find this list helpful and that you're able to choose the right plugin for your needs. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to leave them below!